Source code for phpypam.core.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) Christian Meißner 2020

import json
import re
import requests

from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from phpypam.core.exceptions import PHPyPAMException

GET = requests.get
PATCH = requests.patch
DELETE = requests.delete
OPTIONS = requests.options

[docs]class Api(object): """ The main class. It generates tha API object where you can run different actions again to `create`, `update` and `delete` entities. It also provides functions with informational character only. """ def __init__(self, url, app_id, username=None, password=None, token=None, encryption=False, timeout=None, ssl_verify=True, user_agent=None): """ contructor method :param url: The URL to a phpIPAM instance. It includes the protocol (`http` or `https`). :type url: str :param app_id: The app_id which is used for the API operations. For modifying operations it needs read/write access. :type app_id: str :param username: The `username` which is used to connect to API., defaults to None :type username: str, optional :param password: The `password` to authenticate `username` against API., defaults to None :type password: str, optional :param token: A `token` if you want to use token based authentication., defaults to None :type token: str, optional :param encryption: Should request be encrypted. This is the needed encryption string., defaults to False :type encryption: bool, optional :param timeout: Seconds until a request will time out., defaults to None :type timeout: int, optional :param ssl_verify: Should certificate of endpoint verified or not. Useful if you use a self signed certificate., defaults to True :type ssl_verify: bool, optional :param user_agent: With this parameter you can define a own user agent header string., defaults to None :type user_agent: str, optional """ self._api_url = url self._api_appid = app_id self._api_username = username self._api_password = password self._api_token = token self._api_encryption = encryption self._api_timeout = timeout self._api_ssl_verify = ssl_verify self._api_headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', } if user_agent: self._api_headers['user-agent'] = user_agent if not self._api_encryption: self._login() def _query(self, path='user', headers=None, method=GET, data=None, params=None, auth=None, token=None): """ Sends queries to phpIPAM API in a generalistic manner :param path: Path to the controler and possibly to function to use., defaults to 'user' :type path: str, optional :param headers: Optional request headers, defaults to None :type headers: dict, optional :param method: method to be used for the query (choice: 'GET', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'OPTIONS')., defaults to GET :type method: requests method object, optional :param data: Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the :class:'Request'., defaults to None :type data: dict, optional :param params: Dictionary list of tuples or bytes to send in the query string for the :class:'Request'., defaults to None :type params: dict, optional :param auth: Auth tuple to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth., defaults to None :type auth: HTTPBasicAuth object, optional :type auth: str, optional :param token: Api token get from last login., defaults to None :type token: str, optional :raises PHPyPAMException: [description] :return: If query returns any data it returns this dict or list else it returns last exit status :rtype: Union[bool, dict, list] """ _api_path = path _api_headers = headers or {} _method = method _data = data _params = params _auth = auth if self._api_token: _api_headers['token'] = self._api_token _url = '{}/api/{}/{}'.format(self._api_url, self._api_appid, _api_path) if _params and not _url.endswith('/'): _url = _url + '/' resp = _method( _url, params=_params, data=_data, headers=_api_headers, auth=_auth, verify=self._api_ssl_verify, timeout=self._api_timeout, ) result = resp.json() if result['code'] not in (200, 201) or not result['success']: raise PHPyPAMException(code=result['code'], message=result['message']) else: if 'data' in result: return result['data'] def _login(self): """ Login method """ _auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self._api_username, self._api_password) resp = self._query(method=POST, auth=_auth) self._api_token = resp['token']
[docs] def get_token(self): """ Method to grap last login token :return: Returns the api token from the last successful login. :rtype: str """ return self._api_token
[docs] def get_entity(self, controller, controller_path=None, params=None): """ Method to get an existing entity :param controller: Name of the controller to request entity from. :type controller: str :param controller_path: The path which is used to query for entities, defaults to None :type controller_path: str, optional :param params: Request parameters which have to be append to the request URI, defaults to None :type params: dict, optional :return: Result of the query. It can be either a 'list' or 'dict'. :rtype: Union[dict, list] """ _path = controller _controller_path = controller_path _params = params if _controller_path: _path = '{}/{}'.format(_path, _controller_path) return self._query(token=self._api_token, method=GET, path=_path, params=_params)
[docs] def create_entity(self, controller, controller_path=None, data=None, params=None): """ Create an entity :param controller: Name of the controller to use. :type controller: str :param controller_path: The path which is used to query for entities, defaults to None :type controller_path: str, optional :param data: Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the :class:`Request`. :type data: dict :param params: Dictionary list of tuples or bytes to send in the query string for the :class:`Request`., defaults to None :type params: dict, optional :return: Returns the newly created entity. :rtype: Union[dict, list] """ _path = controller _controller_path = controller_path _params = params if _controller_path: _path = '{}/{}'.format(_path, _controller_path) return self._query(token=self._api_token, method=POST, path=_path, data=data, params=_params)
[docs] def delete_entity(self, controller, controller_path, params=None): """ This method is used to delete an entity. :param controller: Name of the controller to use. :type controller: str :param controller_path: The path wich is used to access the entity to delete. :type controller_path: str :param params: Dictionary, list of tuples or bytes to send in the query string for the :class:`Request`., defaults to None :type params: dict, optional :return: Returns True if entity was deleted successfully or either 'dict' or 'list' of entities to work on. :rtype: Union[book, dict, list] """ _path = '{}/{}'.format(controller, controller_path) _params = params return self._query(token=self._api_token, method=DELETE, path=_path, params=_params)
[docs] def update_entity(self, controller, controller_path=None, data=None, params=None): """ This method is used to update an entity. :param controller: Name of the controller to use. :type controller: str :param controller_path: The path which is used to access the entity to update., defaults to None :type controller_path: str, optional :param data: Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the :class:`Request`., defaults to None :type data: dict, optional :param params: Dictionary list of tuples or bytes to send in the query string for the :class:`Request`., defaults to None :type params: dict, optional :return: Returns either a 'dict' or 'list' of the changed entity :rtype: Union[dict, list] """ _path = controller _controller_path = controller_path _params = params if _controller_path: _path = '{}/{}'.format(_path, _controller_path) return self._query(token=self._api_token, method=PATCH, path=_path, data=data, params=_params)
[docs] def controllers(self): """ This method is used to report all known controllers of phpIPAM API. Unfortunately the API doesn't report all nor the correct paths for all 'controllers'. :return: Returns a tuple of controller paths. :rtype: tuple """ result = self._query(token=self._api_token, method=OPTIONS, path='/') controllers = ({re.sub(r'^/api/' + self._api_appid + '/(.+)/$', r'\1', v) for ctrl in result['controllers'] for (k, v) in ctrl.items() if k == 'href'}) return controllers